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The Gattons Infant School 

  Progression in MUSIC

Music is taught using Charanga, whole class recorder teaching and our own daily music listening curriculum.   





Year 1

Year 2


To sing echo songs and perform movements to a steady beat.

To explore singing at different speeds and pitch and to create moods and feelings.

To discover how to use the voice to create loud and soft sounds.

I can take part in singing.

I can sing action songs and rhymes from memory.

I can join in with some of the words and actions of songs.

I follow instructions on how and when to sing.

I try to sing with an awareness of others

I can respond to ‘call and response’

I can sing  back as an echo

To explore the use of the voice in different ways such as speaking, singing and chanting.

To discover how the voice can produce rhythm and pulse, high and low (pitch) to create different effects.

To find out how to sing with expression, confidence and creativity to an audience.

I can take part in singing songs, following the tune (melody) well.

I use my voice to good effect.

I can sing in a ‘round’                                                            I can take part in 2 part songs

To sing with a sense of the shape of a melody.

To represent sounds with symbols.

To improvise in making sounds with the voice.

To perform songs using creativity and expression and create dramatic effect.

I can sing with confidence to an invited audience.

I can maintain a simple part within a group.

When I sing songs I show control in my voice.


(high and low sounds)

I can recognise extremes in sound- pitch

I try to pitch the melodies of nursery rhymes.

I can imitate changes in pitch.

I can respond accurately to high and low sounds.

I can recognise changes in sound – pitch.

I can sing simple songs in tune and with understanding and clarity.

I can hear when the pitch goes up or down in steps or leaps.

I use changes in pitch to communicate an idea.

I can sing songs from memory with accurate pitch.


(long and short sounds)



I can respond accurately to long and short sounds.

I can make a sequence of long and short sounds with help.

I make and control long and short sounds using voices and instruments.


(volume - Loud and soft sounds)

I can control a loud and quiet voice.

I can recognise extremes in sound – volume.

I can recognise and makes changes in sound – volume.

I can recognise when sounds are getting louder, and getting softer. (graduation)

I can control the volume of my singing.

I can recognise and describe contrasts in dynamics

Tempo, beat and rhythm.

(speed - fast and slow sounds, beats and pulse)

I can take part in marching and clapping to music to a steady beat.

I can recognise extremes in sound – speed

I can recognise sounds that are fast or slow

With help I can clap longer rhythms.

I enjoy clapping and marching in time to music.

I can recognise changes in sound – beat.

I can respond accurately to fast and slow sounds.

I can create short rhythmical patterns.

I can identify the beat in music.

I listen carefully and recall short rhythmic patterns.

I can hear when sounds gradually get faster or slower (graduation)


I can control the tempo of my singing.

I can clap rhythm patterns accurately.

I can recognise and respond to simple repeated patterns in rhythm (ostinati)

I can hear and clap the weak and strong beats in music

I can use patterns to accompany songs on unturned percussion instruments.

I create short rhythmic phrases.

I recognise and create repeated patterns with a range of instruments.

I can describe the beat as the pulse


(different types of sounds on  instruments and body sounds)

I can sort instruments into categories.

I can choose sounds to represent different things.

I can use small percussion instruments to play accompaniments to class songs.

I can use my voice in different ways such as speaking, singing and chanting.

I carefully choose sounds to help create an effect.

I know how noises can be made and changed to suit a situation.

I can correctly hold and play notes on a tuned instrument (recorder)

I can choose suitable instruments/sounds to accompany a picture book/story.

I recognise how some sounds are produced e.g. shaken, struck, blown etc.

I can experiment with different sounds on the computer.

I can use patterns to accompany songs on tuned percussion instruments.

I use sounds to create abstract effects.

I can develop my skill on a tuned instrument by improving the sound and learning to play 3 notes confidently by reading notes/notation.


(blending sounds, creating sounds together)

I can sing simple songs in tune and at the same time as other children.

I can play instruments at the same time as other children.

I can make 1 sound.

I can make several sounds

I can sing simple songs in tune and at different times to other children in the form of a round.

I can play instruments at the same time as other children to create layers of sounds.


I can blend with the other voices in my class.

I listen to several layers of sounds and talk about the effect on the mood and feelings.

I can play a tuned or untuned instrument and understand when it is the melody, the harmony or the accompaniment.


I can recognise where the beginning and end of the music is.

I can hear and recognise where there is a repeated pattern in music.

 I can talk about the structure of music using the words verse and chorus.


(Taking part, singing, playing and conducting)


To play instruments to a steady beat.

To understand how to hold and play an instrument with care.

To explore the different sounds instruments make.

To be able to choose an instrument to create a specific sound

I can follow instructions on how and when to play an instrument.

I try to play with an awareness of others.

I enjoy playing percussion instruments.

I take notice of others when performing.

I know how some sounds are made and changed.

With help, I can make sounds with a slight difference.

I can use my voice in different ways to create different effects.

Play instruments showing an awareness of others.

Repeat and investigate simple beats and rhythms.

Learn to play sounds linking with symbols.

Understand how to play an instrument with care and attention.

Sometimes I conduct the class and I tell them when and how to play/stop using gestures.

I can help to record our music using a recorder of composer.

I enjoy taking part in assemblies and performing in front of other children.

I can hold small percussion instruments correctly.

I think about others when performing.

I perform with others’, taking instructions from the leader.

Perform simple patterns and accompaniments keeping to a steady pulse.

Recognise and explore how sounds can be organised.

Respond to starting points that have been given

Understand how to control playing a musical instrument so that they sound, as they should.


I can improve my own work.

I can sing and play with confidence to an invited audience.

I show control when playing musical instruments so that they sound as they should. 

I can maintain a simple part within a group.

When I sing songs I show control in my voice.

I play notes on instruments with care so they sound clear.

I perform with control and awareness of what others in the group are singing or playing.


Composition (creating my own sounds)


To choose different instruments, including the voice, to create sound effects in play.

To investigate a variety of ways to create sound with different materials.  To experiment performing songs and music together with body movements to a steady beat.

I can express myself by making sounds with an instrument, with my voice or my body.

Create a sequence of long and short sounds with help, including clapping longer rhythms.

Investigate making sounds that are very different (loud and quiet, high and low etc.).

Explore own ideas and change as desired.


I use my knowledge of dynamics, timbre and pitch to organise my music.

I make my own signs and symbols to make, record my music.

Choose carefully and order sounds in a beginning, middle and end.

Use sounds to achieve an effect. (including use of ICT)

Create short musical patterns.

Investigate long and short sounds

Explore changes in pitch to communicate an idea.

I compose question and answer pieces with my partner.

I enjoy talking about my pieces of music and explaining how they show an element.

I can save or print some of my compositions.

I try to make suitable signs and symbols to record the sounds and rhythms on paper.

I recognise how musical elements can be used together to compose music.

Listening and general appraisal

(describe the sounds you hear)


To express feelings in music by responding to different moods in a musical score.

To listen to music and respond by using hand and whole body movements.

To listen to different sounds (animal noise, water etc.) and respond with voice and movement.

To hear the pulse in music.

To hear different moods in music.

To identify texture– 1 or more sounds?



I can show that I can hear different sounds in music.

I can listen out for different types of sounds.

I can recognise the beat in the music

Choose sounds to represent different things (ideas, thoughts, feelings, moods etc.).

Reflect on music and say how it makes people feel, act and move.

Respond to different composers and discuss different genres of music.

Hear the pulse in music.

Hear different moods in music.

Identify texture– layers of sound?

Choose sounds to represent different things (ideas, thoughts, feelings, moods etc.).


I recognise changes in timbre, dynamics and pitch.

I know that music can be played or listened to for a variety of purposes (including throughout history and in different cultures).






Notice how music can be used to create different moods and effects and to communicate ideas.

Listen and understand how to improve own composition.

Sort composers in to different genres and instruments in to different types.

Identify the pulse in music.

Recognise changes in timbre (sound quality- smooth, crisp, scratchy, rattling, tinkling etc.), dynamics (loud and quiet), tempo (fast and slow) and pitch (high and low).

Start to recognise different instruments.

I describe music using words such as pulse, duration, timbre, pitch, beat, tempo and texture.

I use these words to identify where music works well and how it can be improved, including my own and others’.

I describe the different purposes of music throughout history and in other cultures.

Vocabulary I can use the words:


To use the words:

Pitch - the melody and how the notes change from high to low sounds

Pulse - the steady beat of a piece of music

Duration - (rhythm) long and short sounds

Dynamics – loud and soft sounds

Tempo  - fast and slow sounds

Texture – 1 or more sounds


Structure and appropriate musical notations. (the way the music is laid out) Beginnings and ends (R)


I can name some percussion instruments

Continue to use words from Reception and:

Duration -(rhythm) long and short sounds (R) rhythmic pattern of long and short sounds (Y1)

Dynamics – loud and soft sounds (R) graduation (Y1)

Tempo  - fast and slow sounds (R) graduation (Y1) louder, softer

Texture – 1 or more sounds (R) layers (Y1)

Structure and appropriate musical notations. (the way the music is laid out) Beginnings and ends (R) Repeated Patterns /chorus and verses (Y1)


A round – a song that can be sung by 2 or more groups starting at different times.

Solo  - on your own

Together – with others


I can name some percussion (untuned) instruments and some tuned instruments

Continue to use words from Reception and Year 1 and also use:

Pitch - the melody and how the notes change from high to low sounds (R/Y1) steps and leaps (Y2)

Dynamics – loud and soft sounds (R) graduation (Y1) contrasts (Y2) (Ext: piano and forte)

Tempo  - fast and slow sounds (R) graduation (Y1) comparison (Y2)

Structure and appropriate musical notations. (the way the music is laid out) Beginnings and ends (R) Repeated Patterns /chorus and verses (Y1) Call and response (Y2)

Duration - (rhythm) long and short sounds (R), rhythmic pattern of long and short sounds (Y1)

Strong beats and weak beats.

Timbre - the type of sound – whisper/hum/sing/talk (examples with the voice) or twinkly/hard/soft (examples with instruments)

Texture - 1 or more sounds (R) layers (Y1)Melody and accompaniment (Y2)

Harmony – the joining of different notes of music played at the same time and making a nice tune.

Melody – a tune.

A capella – to sing without instrumental accompaniment.

Accompaniment – the music that is played at the same time as a song or tune.

Solo – on your own

Unison – playing or singing at the same pitch

I can describe some of the family names the instruments belong to (string, wind, brass, percussion, tuned and untuned)



 ReceptionYear 1Year 2




High/ low





Long/short sounds





Graduation (getting louder, getting softer)


in different dynamics

Tempo, beat and rhythm



Steady beat

Rhythmic patterns

Graduation (getting faster, getting slower)

Contrasts in rhythmic patterns Comparing different tempos


Strong beats

Weak beats



Exploring percussion

Exploring percussion and tuned instruments (recorders)

Wood, metal, strings

Developing exploration of tuned and untuned instruments



One sound

Several sounds


Melody, harmony  and accompaniment




Repeated patterns

Question and response

Verse, chorus

