PSHE at The Gattons
At The Gattons Infant School, we prepare our children for the future by developing characteristics for life through our Right Respecting Rainbow such as a love of learning, resilience, integrity, team work, critical thinking and independence. We want to prepare them for the world of work and support them in developing enterprise skills and financial awareness. Children will leave The Gattons with knowledge and skills which prepare them to be global citizens now and in their future roles within a global community. The children learn the skills to build healthy friendships and relationships and keep themselves safe now and in the future. We believe that mental wellbeing is a normal part of daily life, in the same way as physical health. We want our children to be able to recognise and talk about their emotions, as well as understanding that some people experience mental ill health.
We do this through specific PSHE lessons where we teach the knowledge, skills and vocabulary progressively from Reception through to Year 2. The PSHE curriculum teaches skills and knowledge to celebrate differences, prevent bullying, prejudice, substance misuse and exploitation now and in later life. A key part of this is developing knowledge, vocabulary and confidence to be able to communicate any safeguarding issues. RSE is taught to all children from Reception to Year 2 and parent workshops help parents to support this work at home. The children have a voice through class and school eco and school council. Zones of Regulation is taught to all children weekly to ensure the children have the emotional literacy to talk about how they are feeling, as well as to have healthy relationships with staff and children in the school.