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Assessment at The Gattons

We believe that every child matters and every moment counts. We begin with, and build upon, what an individual child can do. Our extensive and accurate assessments and careful pupil progress tracking make it impossible for any child to slip through the net. We have high expectations of all children and teachers are held to account for their children’s well-being and progress.

We work hard to ensure that classrooms are vibrant, stimulating and engaging. They reflect current learning and are organised so that every child can access their own resources.

Before the child starts school in Reception we liaise with the pre-school settings, parents and carers and any outside agencies to give us a picture of the child before they start school.  We use this information to ensure we can plan for individuals needs from the beginning of Reception.  By half term, teachers have an accurate baseline for all children.  This information is used to inform planning.

Across the school, children’s learning is assessed throughout the day by observing the children during independent learning and adult-led tasks indoors and outdoors, by talking with them about their learning and designing assessment tasks/activities at the end of an area of learning in order to find out what children have learnt.  Written observations, photographs and children’s work are all used to build up a picture of a child’s learning.

Self-Assessment ... is known to make a valuable contribution to children’s learning, and children throughout the school are now used to being involved in self-assessment, for example using traffic light marking and 2 stars and a wish. Children are involved in setting and working towards targets and with adult support develop the skills needed to assess for themselves when those targets have been achieved.

Recording Assessments. All teachers keep careful records on the assessments made of children and records are passed to the next teacher at the start of each school year. Children are tracked half termly using teacher assessment against the Development Matters in Reception and Key Performance Indicators in Year 1 and Year 2. This enables teachers to closely track progress made by individuals and plan next steps in the children’s learning journeys.

Half termly assessments in all areas of learning are stored electronically on Target Tracker.  This allows teachers to monitor the children’s progress and necessary appropriate intervention can be arranged if required.  Data is analysed by class teachers, year group leaders and the senior leadership team regularly, to ensure that high standards are maintained.

In the EYFS parents are asked to contribute to their child’s learning journal sharing significant learning steps that have occurred at home.  Observations of the children are also sent home half termly.  Assessments are shared termly with parents during parents evening and through a written report in the Summer Term.

Assessment at the End of Key Stage 1
Throughout the children’s time in school their work is assessed and future work is planned according to the needs of the child.  Towards the end of Year Two final teacher assessments are made, informed by the Key Stage 1 Tests.  Each child receives his or her results in their end of year report and we publish the school’s results to parents.


Teacher assessments are based on the teacher's knowledge of a pupil, formed over a period of time and cover the full programme of study in the subject.  Tests are short, externally set standard
assessments covering a specific part of the subject and taken at the end of the Key Stage.


