The admission policy of this school is in common to all state schools. West Sussex Local Authority is responsible for admitting children to school. Children are admitted to the school in the September of the year in which they are five. Please see the West Sussex website for information about applications for admission to school:
We offer parents the opportunity for their children to be admitted full time from September, if they are ready to do so or they may attend part-time. It is important to emphasise that this is a choice for parents.
Part-time attendance is from 8.55am until 11.45am. A full day (full-time) is from 8.55am until 3.00pm. Moving from part-time to full-time attendance can take place at the beginning of a new term or after a
half-term holiday. If the school feels that your child is not yet ready for full-time attendance then we will discuss this with you.
Alternatively parents may choose to defer their child’s admission to school. Please discuss this with the Headteacher.
Parents of all children due to start school during the academic year are invited to an evening meeting in the Summer Term to meet the Headteacher and Reception teachers, learn more about the school and ask any questions.
Throughout the Summer Term, prior to entry in September, the children are invited to visit the class where they will be in September when they take part in story and activity sessions.
Parents seeking admission for a child to the school at ages between 4+ and 7 years should also apply to the Admissions Office - Apply for school
Transfer at age seven
In the Autumn Term, at the start of their child’s final year at The Gattons, parents are provided with
information about transfers at seven to junior school and the opportunity to opt for the school of their choice. Parents are also invited to visit Southway Junior School.
“We chose the Gattons because it is an infant school therefore meaning there would
not be any “big children”, which could be overwhelming in the first few years of life”. (Parent)
“It is the greatest school on earth. There isn’t anywhere better than here.” (Child)