Religious Education at The Gattons
At The Gattons Infant School, we aim to provide children with a rich and engaging experience of a variety of cultures, religions and world views. We want all children to be accepting and tolerant of all other faiths and beliefs.
We do this through specific RE lessons where we teach the knowledge, skills and vocabulary progressively from Reception through to Year 2. This is delivered through high quality teaching, exciting hands on experiences and a culture of sharing and celebrating the uniqueness of every child and family. Through a holistic and personalised teaching and learning experience, children will acquire the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes necessary for their self-fulfilment and their development as active and responsible citizens. Children have the opportunity to learn about and experience religious and non religious practices, celebrations, and significant stories, including visiting places of worship and meeting people from other cultures and religions who share and celebrate aspects of their religious life. Our whole school, year group and class assemblies reflect the religious and cultural diversity of our school, as well as encouraging children to explore and ask questions to enable them to think about and grow in their own social, moral, spiritual and cultural context. Our SMSC curriculum underpins all teaching and learning at The Gattons. All parents are encouraged to share their religions and beliefs with the school community.