What is the Local Offer?
The Local Offer is what The Gattons Infant School can offer children who have Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND), in terms of support, resources and strategies.
Miss Ellie Bennett is the Inclusion Manager and Learning Support Teacher, who oversees special needs support. Miss Ellie Bennett can be contacted via the school office on 01444 235071.
Identification of SEN(D)
Special Educational Needs and Disability
We are aware of the importance of the early identification of a child’s special educational needs.
At times we are notified by an external agency about a child’s additional needs before the child starts school.
If parents have concerns about their child’s development, then we suggest they ask to meet with either the Head Teacher or the SENDCO if the child is pre-school or with the child’s class teacher and/or SENDCO if their child is already in school.
Every child’s progress is tracked by the class teacher and the Deputy Head. Any concerns will be discussed with parents and the SENDCO.
The SENDCO will meet with the child and, if appropriate, assess and screen using standardised tests, the results of which will be discussed with parents.
Support and resources are allocated on an individual basis, depending upon the needs of the child.
Our school has a diverse group of children, who have a variety of backgrounds, strengths, and interests; some of whom may have special or additional needs.
We aim to provide all our children with high quality teaching in the classroom. Children who have additional needs may require certain activities to be differentiated allowing them to learn at a level appropriate to their ability and to promote independent learning. The ways in which we do this includes:
by making the activity more appropriate,
through smaller groupings or individual work,
by providing adult support, if it is felt appropriate,
by using specialist equipment,
Or through additional support for specific areas of weakness.
Additional Learning Support
If a child has been identified as having additional needs we can then support his or her learning in a number of ways.
Reception - Individual or small group support for:
Phonics and early reading skills.
Early number skills.
Fine and gross motor skills.
Social skills, including friendships.
Speech sounds following assessment with a Speech and Language Therapist.
Language – attention and listening, understanding of language and speaking. This may be as part of a small group following The Narrative Therapy Language Programme.
Language support for EAL (English as an additional language).
Years 1 and 2 - Individual or small group support for:
Reading, which may include the Fischer Family Trust Reading Intervention programme (FFT) or Better Reading programme.
Maths, which may include Closing the Gap or 1stClass@Number intervention programmes.
Fine and gross motor skills.
Speech sounds following assessment with a Speech and Language Therapist.
Language – attention and listening, understanding of language and speaking.
Language support for EAL.
Emotional and social development and friendship issues. This support will be with a SEN Learning Support Assistant or our Learning Mentor.
Additional Support
The class teacher or SENDCO will plan and oversee any intervention programme and ensure the necessary resources are available.
The class teacher and/or the SENDCO will meet with parents to explain the additional support.
Specially trained Learning Support Assistants (SEN LSAs) will implement the majority of the intervention programmes, although the SENDCO also works with individuals and small groups of children.
The child will be assessed at the beginning and end of any intervention and the intervention changed if it has not been effective.
Progress is regularly reviewed by staff, including at half-termly Intervention Meetings. Following these meetings any necessary changes to additional support will be made and parents informed.
Pastoral and Mental Health, Medical and Behavioural Support
Pastoral and Mental Health
We have a Learning Mentor who is available to provide pastoral support for any child needing this. Parents or staff may refer a child for support, having spoken initially to either the child’s class teacher or the SENDCO.
The school can refer a child to the School Nursing Service at the request of a parent. This may be due to difficulties with bed wetting, establishing bedtime routines, a reluctance to eat etc. The School Nurse aims to meet with parents within three weeks of receiving the referral.
A Health/Medical care plan will be written by medical personnel and parents for any child who has a chronic medical condition. All staff are informed of the child’s medical needs and alert notices displayed in appropriate places. Specific medical training will be provided by either the school nurse or other specialist nurses.
We have a high number of staff who have emergency and paediatric first aid training.
When a child struggles with their behaviour we take a therapeutic approach to supporting the child. We see behaviour as communication and that they are trying to tell us that something is not right. Please see our behaviour policy for more information.
Level of Support
If a child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), then we are legally obliged to provide the support stated. This will specify the number of hours of adult support and any resources required.
For a child who does not have a EHC Plan, but has a high level of need, any decision about the type and level of support will take place following meetings with parents, the Head Teacher and SENDCO. We are also guided by the recommendations of any outside agencies who are involved with the child.
For more information on how we support children with SEND, please read the SEND Information Report below.