Low Income Families - Claiming for low income Free School Meals
Our school can claim £1320 in vital funding for each child registered for “low income free school meals” so please apply if you think that you might qualify. Not only does this funding support your child’s learning, but you will also receive the following additional benefits:-
Eligible pupils at The Gattons will receive up to £40 worth of school items, FREE OF CHARGE, as follows:-
a school jumper or cardigan (usually £10-£12)
a book bag, PE bag, and water bottle (saving of £7)
school trips (approx cost £10-£12)
in-house school clubs (approx £10)
If you think your child may qualify for low income Free School Meals, please read the following information so that you can begin to start the claim process.
Why should I claim for low income Free School Meals?
It is really important that if you are on a low income and feel you may be entitled to claim for Free School Meals, that you do so. This is because there is additional government funding, called Pupil Premium, which is awarded to schools according to the number of children in receipt of Free School Meals. This means that claiming for Free School Meals could also help your child receive other benefits at school. Therefore, if you think that you are entitled to claim, it is very much in your, your child and the school’s interests that you do make this claim. You can even claim and then not take the school hot dinner if your child does not like it; or, your child can just have the school dinners on the days they wish to.
What are the eligibility criteria to claim for low income Free School Meals?
Families who receive certain benefits may be eligible for free school meals. Your child is eligible for free school meals if you’re in receipt of one of the following benefits:
Universal Credit with an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400.
Child Tax Credit (with no Working Tax Credit) with an annual income of no more than £16,190
Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for the four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
Income Support
Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Support under Part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
The guarantee element of Pension Credit
You can apply online https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/education-children-and-families/schools-and-colleges/free-school-meals or, if you prefer, complete an application form (see below) and return it to the school office. Alternatively please pick up a paper application form from the school office. If you require any help in completing the form please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for helping to support our school