Home Page

Long Term Plan

The Gattons Infant School

Computing Progression



Autumn Term 1

Autumn Term 2

Spring Term 1

Spring Term 2

Summer Term 1

Summer Term 2


Drawing Skills

Mouse and trackpad skills


Safety and Privacy

Mouse and trackpad skills

Logging in and keyboard skills

Logging in, mouse, trackpad and keyboard skills


Purple Mash:


Grouping & Sorting

Purple Mash:


Lego Builders

Purple Mash:

Maze Explorers

Purple Mash:

Animated Stories

Purple Mash:


Purple Mash:


Tech outside School


Purple Mash:

Online safety & Presenting Ideas

Purple Mash:

Creating Pictures

Purple Mash:


Purple Mash:

Effective Searches

Purple Mash:


Purple Mash:

Spreadsheets & Making Music



Autumn 1

Autumn 2


Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Purple Mash Units:

Drawing Skills

Mouse and trackpad skills


Safety and Privacy

Mouse and trackpad skills

Using Purple Mash with an individual login

Keyboard skills

Using Purple Mash with an individual login

Keyboard skills

Mouse and trackpad skills


I can select colours when painting on the computer

I can use a computer to draw with different widths of pens

I can try the different tools that I can draw with on the computer

I can use the undo button

I can use the erase button

I can draw on a computer using a mouse

I can begin to hold a computer mouse with my finger on the correct buttons

I can begin to use a mouse to make the cursor move around the computer screen where I want it to go

I can talk about where I am moving a toy vehicle whilst I am moving it

I can make a floor robot move

I can control the forwards, backwards and rotation of a floor robot one step at a time

I can explain what it means for something to be private

I can talk about how my body feels when I am not comfortable with something

I know who can help me when I am feeling worried

I can hold a computer mouse with my finger on the correct buttons

I can use a mouse to make a cursor move around the computer screen where I want it to go

I can click the correct mouse button to play games on the computer

I can use a mouse accurately to click and drag objects on the screen

I can login to Purple Mash and Mini Mash using my username and password on the computer

I can begin to find all the letters of the alphabet on a keyboard

I can begin to use the delete key

I can login to Purple Mash and Mini Mash using my username and password on the Chrome Books

I can find all the letters of the alphabet on a keyboard

I can use the delete key

I can use a laptop touchpad


Computer – an electronic machine that can store and deal with large amounts of information

Undo – go back to what you had before.

Erase – rub out what you have drawn.

Mouse – a device attached to a computer for moving the cursor and doing things without using the keyboard.

Button – a small object on a computer keyboard that you press to operate it.

Cursor – the small shape on the screen that shows you where anything you type will be.

Robot – a machine that is programmed to move.

Forwards Backwards



Instruction – something that someone tells you to do.

Direction – the general line that something is moving in.

Command – instruction to do something.

Private – things that belong only to you or may only be used by you.

e-safety – being safe when using the internet.

Click – press the button on the mouse

Drag – pull an object along on the screen.


Username –name you use when logging onto the computer

Password – a secret word you must know to log onto the computer.

Keyboard – the set of keys you press to use the computer.  

Delete – rub out what you have typed.

username, password, keyboard, delete, Touchpad – a flat pad on some computers that you slide your finger over to move the cursor.


Year 1

Autumn 1

Autumn 2


Spring 2


Summer 2

Purple Mash Units:

Getting to know Purple Mash/Online Safety


Lego Builders

Maze Explorers

Animated Stories



Tech outside of school


I can log in safely.

I can find my saved work.

I can add pictures and text to work.  I can explore Purple Mash.

I can to open, save and print.

I understand the importance of logging out.

I can sort items.

I can sort items on the computer using the ‘Grouping’ activities in Purple Mash.

I understand that data can be represented in picture format.

I can use a pictogram to record results.


I can follow and create simple instructions on the computer.

I can consider how the order of instructions affects the result.

I can understand the functionality of the direction keys.

I understand how to create and debug a set of instructions (algorithm).

I can use the direction keys as part of an algorithm.

I can change an algorithm.


I can add animation to a story.

I can add sound to a story, including voice recording and music.

I can add backgrounds and copying and pasting pages to a story.

I can share e-books on a class display board.

I understand what instructions

I can predict what might happen when an instruction is followed.

I can use code to make a computer program.

I understand what object and actions are.

I understand what an event is.

I can use an event to control an object.

I can begin to understand how code executes when a program is run. •

I understand what backgrounds and objects are.

I can plan and make a computer program

I know what a spreadsheet program looks like. I can locate 2Calculate in Purple Mash.

I can enter data into spreadsheet cells.

I can use 2Calculate image tools to add clipart to cells.

I can use 2Calculate control tools: lock, move cell, speak and count.

I can name examples of technology and where they might be used.


Alert - A system that lets you know if you have something to look at.

Avatar - A digital picture to represent someone.

Button -An area where you click to make something happen.

Device - A piece of electrical equipment made for a purpose.

File name - The name given to an online piece of work.

Icon - An image on a web page that you can click on to navigate to somewhere.

Log in - Using a username and password to access a system.

Log out - Leaving a computer system. Menu - A button which gives the user different options. Notification - A message telling you about something. My work area - The place on Purple Mash where your work is stored. Only you and your teachers can access this.

Private - Keeping information restricted from other people. Password - A series of letters, numbers and special characters that is entered after the username to access an online site. Purple mash tools - A selection of programs which help you carry out different tasks. Saving - Store your work as you create something so it can be accessed later. Search - A way of finding specific resources you want to look at.

Collect data - Gathering facts and information. Compare - Looking at what is the same and what is different.

Data - A collection of information, used to help answer questions. Pictogram - A diagram that uses pictures to represent data. Record results - Writing down what you have found out.

Title - The name given to a piece of work.

Algorithm -A precise, step-by-step set of instructions used to solve a problem or achieve an objective.

Code - Instructions that a programmer enters into a computer that cause the computer to perform a certain way.

Computer - An electronic device for storing and processing data. Debugging - To find and remove errors from computer hardware or software. Instructions - Detailed information about how something should be done or operated.

Program - An algorithm that has been coded into something that can be run by a machine, e.g., a computer or a robot.

Algorithm - A precise, step-by-step set of instructions used to solve a problem or achieve an objective.

Challenge - A task to be completed.

Command - An action such as left command. Direction - The path that something travels. For example, a robot moving forwards, backwards or diagonal.

Instruction - Detailed information about how something should be done or operated.

Left and right- A position which relates to something. For example, make the fish move left of the screen.

Route - A path an object or thing takes to get somewhere.

Undo - If we make a mistake, we can press the undo button.

Unit - A unit such as make the turtle move 2 units (squares).

Animation - An object that moves on screen. Background - An image inserted into a file that sits behind text, objects, or buttons. Clip art gallery - A place in software such as 2Create a Story where a library of images can be found and inserted into a file. E-book - A book that can be read on the computer or on a tablet.

Edit - Edit means to change something. For example, change some text to improve it.

Font - The style of text used in a piece of writing on a Sound computer or tablet.

Sound - Sounds can be uploaded into software from a file or created.

Sound effect - A sound other than speech or music made for use in a play, film or computer file.

Text - Words, letters, numbers or symbols entered into a computer, such as writing text in 2Create a Story.

Action – Types of commands which are run on an object. They could be used to move an object or change a property.  

Code - Instructions written using symbols and words that can be interpreted by a computer.

Event - Something that causes a block of code to be run. Algorithm - A precise step by step set of instructions used to solve a problem or achieve an objective. Command -A single instruction in a computer program.  Execute - To run a computer program. Debug - Finding a problem in the code and fixing it. Input - Information going into the computer. Can include moving or clicking the mouse, using the keyboard, swiping and tilting the device.

Background - The part of the program design that shows behind everything else. It sets the scene for the story or game. Instructions - Detailed information about how something should be done. Properties - All objects have properties that can be changed in design or by writing code e.g. image, colour and scale properties.

Scene - The background and objects together create a scene. Object - An element in a computer program that can be changed using actions or properties.

Run - To cause the instruction in a program to be carried out.

Sound - This is a type of output command that makes a noise. Output - Information that comes out of the computer e.g. sound.

Scale - The size of an object in 2Code. When clicked - An event command. It makes code run when you click on something (or press your finger on a touchscreen).

Button - An object you click that performs an action. E.g. print. Calculations - Maths calculations can be entered into a cell. For example the total of two cells can be added together using a calculation that appears in a new cell.

Cell - An individual section of a spreadsheet grid. It contains data or calculations.

Clip-art - A library of images that a user can choose from and insert in a file.

Column - Boxes running vertically in a spreadsheet. Count tool - In 2Calculate, this counts the number of cells with a value that matches the value of the cell to the left of the tool. Data - A collection of information, used to help answer questions. Delete - Removes contents such as the contents in a cell.

Image - A drawing or photograph that users can import into a file.

Lock cell - This feature lets a user lock a cell so its contents can’t be deleted.

Move cell - The move tool lets a user move the contents of a cell to a new cell.

Row - Boxes running horizontally in a spreadsheet.

Speak tool - This tool will speak the contents of a cell containing a number each time the value changes. Spreadsheet - A computer program that represents information in a grid of rows and columns.

Value - Images can have values given to them. For example, an apple could be given a value of 1 and a pear a value of 2.


Year 2

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Purple Mash Units:

Online safety & Presenting Ideas

Creating Pictures


Effective Searches


Spreadsheets & Making Music


I can use the Search tool.

I can use digital technology to share work on Purple Mash.

 I have some knowledge and understanding about sharing more globally on the Internet.

I understand how we should talk to others in an online situation.

 I can open and send simple online communications in the form of email. I understand that information put online leaves a digital footprint or trail.

I can identify the steps that can be taken to keep personal data and hardware secure.


I can explore how a story can be presented in different ways. I can make a quiz about a story or class topic. I can make a fact file on a non-fiction topic. I can make a presentation to the class.

I know the functions of the 2Paint a Picture tool.

I can use the lines template.

I can use the patterns template.

I can use yes/no questions to separate information.

I can construct a binary tree to identify items.

I can use 2Question (a binary tree database) to answer questions.

I can use a database to answer more complex search questions.

I can use the Search tool to find information.

I can create a leaflet to help someone search for information on the Internet.

I understand what an algorithm is.

I can create a computer program using an algorithm. I can create a program using a given design.

I understand the collision detection event.

I understand that algorithms follow a sequence.

I can design an algorithm that follows a timed sequence.

I understand that different objects have different properties.

I understand what different events do in code.

I understand the function of buttons in a program.

I understand and debug simple programs

I can use 2Calculate image, lock, move cell, speak and count tools to make a counting machine.

I can begin to copy and paste in 2Calculate.

I can use the totalling tools.

I can use a spreadsheet for money calculations. I can use the 2Calculate equals tool to check calculations.

I can use 2Calculate to collect data and produce a graph.


I can make music digitally using 2Sequence.

I can edit and combine sounds using 2Sequence.

I can edit and refine composed music.

I can upload a sound from a bank of sounds into the Sounds section.

I can record and upload environmental sounds into Purple Mash.
I can create tunes in 2Sequence.


Attachment - A computer file sent with an email. Digital Footprint -The information about a person that exists on the Internet as a result of their online activity.

Email - Messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more people. Filter - A feature of search engines, where a user can filter results according to criteria. For example, news, date published. Internet - A way to send information from one computer to another anywhere in the world using technology such as phones, satellites and radio links. Personal Information - This is information that is personal to someone. For example, their favourite food, their name and age.

Private Information - This is personal information that should be kept secure. For example, their date of birth, their full address, credit card numbers.

Search - Look for information (in a database or the World Wide Web) using a search engine.

Secure - Users online should take steps to help keep their personal and private information secure.

Sharing - Post or repost (something) on a website.


E-Book - An electronic version of a printed book that can be read on a computer or a specifically designed handheld device.  

Fact File - A document containing all the important information about one subject. Fiction - A book or story that is written about imaginary characters and events and not based on real people or places. Non-Fiction - Writing that is about real people or events rather than stories that have been made up.

Node - A way to represent a concept or idea using text and/or images.

Mind Map - A tool for organising and representing knowledge. They form a web of ideas which are all interconnected. Presentation - A way of displaying information about a subject to an audience.  

Quiz - A test of knowledge, especially as a competition between individuals or teams as a form of entertainment.

Art -A visual form of creative activity and imagination. Palette - Within computer graphics, this is the range of colours or shapes available to the user.

Style - A particular way in which something looks or is formed.

Fill - Causing an area to become full, in this case, of colour.


Binary Tree -A simple way of sorting information into two categories.

Data - A collection of information, used to help answer questions.

Database - A computerised system that makes it easy to search, select and store information.  

Field - A single piece of data in a database which makes up a record.

Pictogram - A diagram that uses pictures to represent data. Question - A sentence written or spoken to find information.  Record - An item in a database with a variety of information about a specific entry.  Search - Looking for specific information. On a database, you can use the ‘Find’ tool. Sort - Put things together by features they have in common.

Digital Footprint - The information about a person that exists on the Internet as a result of their online activity.

Domain - Part of the Internet owned by an individual, company or organisation. Internet - A way to send information from one computer to another anywhere in the world using technology such as phones, satellites and radio links.

Network - Connected devices that can send and receive information, voice and video.

Search Engine - A program to help you find web pages on the Internet. Web Address - Identifying address for a file or web page on the Internet. Also known as URL. Web page - A single page which can include images, videos and charts. World Wide Web - The web pages and documents you see when you are browsing online. It is just one part of the Internet.

Web Site - A collection of web pages that belong to one domain.

Action - Types of commands, which are run on an object. They could be used to move an object or change a property.

Bug - A problem in a computer program that stops it working the way it was designed. Collision detection - In 2Code, this measures whether 2 objects have touched each other Algorithm - A precise step by step set of instructions used to solve a problem or achieve an objective. Button - A type of object that responds to being clicked on. Command - A single instruction in 2Code.

Event - An occurrence that causes a block of code to be run. The event could be the result of user action such as the user pressing a key or clicking the screen. Background - In 2Code the background is an image in the design that does not change.

Click Events - An event that is triggered when the user clicks on an object. Debug/Debugging - Fixing code that has errors so that the code will run the way it was designed to.  Execute - This is the proper word for when you run the code. We say, ‘the program (or code) executes.’

Block graph - This is a type of graph that displays data with blocks. These can be made using cells, colours and labels in 2Calculate.

Cell - An individual section of a spreadsheet grid. It contains data or calculations. Column - Boxes running vertically in a spreadsheet. Data - A collection of information, used to help answer questions. Count Tool - In 2Calculate, this counts the number of cells with a value of the cell to the left of the tool. Copy - This feature copies the contents of highlighted cells without deleting the contents of them into a clipboard.

Drag -Contents of a cell can be dragged to another cell using the drag tool in 2Calculate. Equals - This symbol can be used in 2Calculate to find the answer to a calculation. Equals tool - Tests whether the entered calculation in the cells to the left of the tool has the correct answer in the cell to the right of the tool. Label - A way to identify data in a spreadsheet. For example a label heading for ice cream flavours children like.  

Row - Boxes running horizontally in a spreadsheet.

Speak tool - This tool will speak the contents of a cell containing a number each time the value changes. Table - Tables can be created in 2Calculate, these have headings and are a neat way to display data.

Total - In 2Calculate the total tool will calculate the total of all cells above, below or next to it dependent on which total tool used.


Beat - A rhythmic unit in music. Compose - To create a piece of music.  

Note - A single tone in music.  Tune - Musical notes joined together to make a melody.  

Sound Effect - A sound other than speech or music. Soundtrack - A recording of the musical accompaniment of a film or tv programme.

Speed - The number of beats per minute (bpm) played in the music.  

Tempo - The speed at which the music plays.  

Volume - How loud or quiet the music is.  

