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Our School Values and Ethos

At The Gattons Infant School Everybody Matters

We are a Rights Respecting School and therefore we

uphold the principles of the UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child


At The Gattons, the Rights Respecting Rainbow underpins everything that we do.  The children have the right: 

- to learn,

- to be safe and cared for,

- to be treated fairly

- to a clean and tidy environment

- to expect people to listen to them

- to play


With these rights the children learn that they should become responsible members of our school by making sure they:

- do their best to help others to do their best

- look after themselves and others

- treat others in the same way as they would like to be treated

- be good caretakers

- listen to others

- play well



Article 28          Children have the right to a good quality education.

Article 29          Education should help children to use and develop their talents and abilities. It should also help them to learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.

Article 31          Children have the right to play and rest.


We will cultivate an environment where children are happy and secure and enjoy learning,by:

  • ensuring that everyone is treated with respect as an individual whose opinions and beliefs are valued;          
  • creating exciting, high quality learning environments indoors, outdoors, and in the wider community;
  • involving parents/carers and children in decisions about the child’s learning.



provide a broad, balanced and rich curriculum,by:

  • continuously striving for high standards of achievement
  • through engaging, child-centred teaching;
  • ensuring a wealth of meaningful learning experiences
  • that meet the needs of each child.



inspire and challenge each child to achieve their full potential and in so doing lay the foundations for life-long learning,by:

  • developing our children’s confidence and self-esteem;
  • ensuring that our children are active, independent learners
  • encouraging our children to begin to take responsibility for themselves, their learning and their behaviour, therefore preparing them for life in a changing world.

