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Physical Education

P.E. at The Gattons




Physical education lays the foundations for children to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, to improve emotional well-being and develop key skills such as leadership, confidence, fair play, respect, perseverance, social and team building skills.  At The Gattons our vision is to develop healthy and physically literate children who love being active, have fun and can move competently, confidently and safely whilst understanding what they are doing. PE will also contribute to the development of a range of important cognitive skills, such as decision making and analysis and social skills such as teamwork and communication.


We do this through specific PE lessons where we teach skills, knowledge and key vocabulary in dance, gymnastics, ball skills and team games.  All children in KS1 have 2 hours of high quality PE a week.  Children in the EYFS access physical development through continuous provision everyday, as well as having a specific 1 hour PE session a week.  We encourage the children to use their emotional literacy to become resilient, take risks and develop their social skills within a team.  The children take part in intra schools multi skills competitions, as well as inter school competitions. There is an annual Healthy Week which includes visits from health professionals and outside sporting clubs. OPAL playtimes provide active playtimes everyday for every child. Children are given the opportunity to attend extra- curricular clubs such as multiskills, cooking club, dance, basketball, football and mindfulness. Parents are given weekly physical challenges to complete at home, as well as being invited to Sports Day and the Mini Marathon.
