Humanities at The Gattons
At the Gattons Infant School we want all children to understand and be able to talk about the community that they live in and to compare their community with others. We want all children to understand the concept of time and how things in the past affect what we do today. We want the children to have knowledge and understanding of the world in which they live.
We do this through specific history and geography lessons where we teach the knowledge, skills and vocabulary progressively from Reception through to Year 2. We encourage the children to use their emotional literacy to talk about how people living in the past and in different communities might be feeling or thinking. Our geography curriculum ensures we use Burgess Hill and our local community in our geographical work. Our history uses the local area, for example Lewes castle. We encourage any parents who have visited places of interest for our geography work to come in to talk to the children e.g. a parent who has visited Nepal when we learn about Ashley, a child we sponsor in Nepal.