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The Gattons Infant School.

 Design and Technology Progression



Following the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework, Design and Technology skills are incorporated into focused opportunities within the following areas of learning:

Expressive Arts and Design (Exploring and Using Media and Materials)

Children safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.

Physical Development (Moving and Handling)

Children handle equipment and tools effectively, including pencils for writing.

Expressive Arts and Design (Being Imaginative)

Children use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways, thinking about uses and purposes. They represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role play and stories

Communication and language

Mathematics (shape space and measure)In continuous provision have a range of tools, joining materials and junk modelling to work with. Duplo, Lego, play dough to help with motor skills. Extend the questioning.


How could you improve it? How could you make it stronger? What could you use to help you? Who is this for? Why have you made it? What would they use it for?



Autumn Knowledge

Spring Knowledge

Summer Knowledge

I know how to roll and cut play dough.

I know how to use my hands to shape play dough.

I know how to imprint a decoration


I know what a chapatti is

I know how to mix wet and dry ingredients.

I know I need to wash my hands before preparing food and I can say why.

I know that joining is connecting 2 pieces of material together


I know how to choose a healthy option

I know I need to wash my hands before handling food

I know how I can begin to chop food safely using a knife.

I know that fruit and vegetables are grown.

I know that I need to use a needle to sew

I know how I need to thread a needle to sew.

I know what a bookmark is used for.

Autumn Skills

          Spring Skills

           Summer Skills

I can make a pinch pot

I can imprint a decoration.

I can begin to explore joining techniques using junk modelling.

I can design and make a filling for a chapatti.

I can mix ingredients to make Easter nests.

I can explore joining techniques. (World book day book making)

(Making a class caterpillar from card circles and split pins)



I can design and make a healthy fruit kebab.

I can describe what the fruit / vegetable tastes/ looks/ feels


I know eating fruit and vegetables is good for my body.

I can decorate a binka bookmark with stitches using a needle and thread.


Autumn Term VocabularySpring Term VocabularySummer Term Vocabulary

Design – a plan for an idea before we start

Hole punch – tool to make holes

Split pin – used to join card together so the card can move.

Scissors – tool to cut with

Sellotape – a plastic sticky tape

Masking Tape - paper sticky tape

Glue Stick – paper glue (remember to replace the lid)

PVA glue – glue that when it dries it is see through

Imprint – a pushed in (or stamped) mark

Ideas – thoughts that you may have to improve and help you.


Chapatti – flat round bread

Mix – bringing different foods together

Spoon – tool with a bowl on the end

Share – divide something out

Treasury tag – metal and string to help keep pages of paper together

Split pin – small metal pin with 2 arms that are pushed apart

Stapler – used to fasten paper together with a wire

Join – to link or connect

Fix – to fasten


Cut – use scissors or knife to separate things

Bridge – to hold your hand like a bridge so the knife can cut safely under it.

Claw – to hold your fingertips away from the knife when you cut food.

Peel – to take the skin off a fruit

Thread – to put a piece of cotton into a needle

Sew – a way to join fabric together with thread

Knot –  a fastening made with a loop of thread.

Improve – make something better



National Curriculum

































Following the National Curriculum for Design and Technology, there are five areas which the children will learn a variety of skills and techniques. These areas are:

 1. Cooking and Nutrition:

understand where food comes from, use the basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes

2. Design:

design purposeful, functional, appealing products for themselves and other users

generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through talking, drawing, templates, mock-ups and, where appropriate, Computing

3. Make:

select from and use a range of tools and equipment

use a wide range of materials and components, including construction materials, textiles and ingredients

4. Evaluate:

explore and evaluate a range of existing products

evaluate their ideas and products against design criteria

5. Technical knowledge:

build structures, exploring how they can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable

explore and use mechanisms, such as levers, sliders, wheels or axles within their products


Cooking and nutrition

As part of their work with food, pupils should be taught how to cook and apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating. Instilling a love of cooking in pupils will also open a door to one of the great expressions of human creativity.

Learning how to cook is a crucial life skill that enables pupils to feed themselves and others affordably and well, now and in later life.


 Pupils should be taught to:

use the basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes and understand where food comes from.


Year 1 
Autumn SkillsAutumn KnowledgeSpring SkillsSpring KnowledgeSummer SkillsSummer Knowledge


I can design and make a healthy fruit crumble for Bog Baby.

I can name and choose some seasonal fruits to cut and cook.

I can use the bridge and claw method of cutting fruits.

I can rub wet and dry ingredients to make a crumble


I can taste raw and cooked fruit



I know that some fruit ripens in autumn

I know how to chop fruit safely

I know how to rub fats into dry ingredients ( could grate fat first)

I know how to stay safe in the kitchen around ovens and utensils.


I can Design and make a Space picture with moving parts (slider and lever mechanisms)

I can use scissors and hole punch to make a slider.

I can safely make a hole in card with blue tac and a sharp pencil.

I can make a lever using a split pin.

I can evaluate my own and others pictures and say how I could improve them.


I know what a slider is.

I know what a lever is.

I know what a pivot is.



I can design and make a glove or finger puppet for a child, based on a fairy tale character.

I can explore different ways of joining fabric

I can make a template.

I can solve a problem if the template doesn’t work.

I can join the fabric in a way I have chosen

I can choose different finishes

I can evaluate my puppet and say how I can improve mine and others work.


I know what sewing is.

I know that I need to thread a needle to sew by hand.

I know why I need to use a knot at the beginning and end of the thread.

I know what a template or mock up is.





New Vocabulary for Year 1 (Recap vocabulary from Reception)

Slice – cut a thin piece from something

Grate – use a grater to shred food.

Compare – what is the same, what is different?

Rub – combine dry and wet ingredients with fingertips

Cut – use a tool to make a hole

Weigh – use scales to tell us how much we have

Boil – water that is very hot (has lots of big bubbles)

Simmer – hot water that is gently bubbling

Design – plan of idea that has a purpose

Slider – a piece that moves from side to side or up and down

Slot – long thin hole

lever – a bar on a pivot

Pivot – a fixed pint

Gluing – joining with glue

pinning – use pins to join

stapling – use staples to join

mock up – a test of your idea

template – to help you cut the same shape in fabric multiple times

seam allowance – between edge of fabric and line of sewing

finishing – decorations

evaluate – better ideas to improve something. Likes /dislikes

Year 2
Autumn SkillsAutumn KnowledgeSpring SkillsSpring KnowledgeSummer SkillsSummer Knowledge

I can design, make and evaluate an appealing Christmas decoration that will last more than a year, using paper/ card and a range of tools and joining techniques.

I can use joining techniques to making materials stronger/ more durable.

Rolling,  folding layering etc

I know that everyday items are designed

To understand that the shape of materials can be changed to improve the

strength and stiffness of structures.

I can design and make and evaluate a vehicle for Archie the Explorer to carry his supplies.

I can solve the problem if the wheels don’t run smoothly.


I know what an axel is

I know the parts of an axel.

I know how to fix the axel to the chassis.



I can plan an appealing healthy snack. (bread)

I can knead dough.

I can shape dough.


I know the principles of a healthy and varied diet

To know yeast is used to make bread rise.

I know how to stay safe when preparing food.

( hygiene and tool use)


New Vocabulary for Year 2 (Recap vocabulary from Reception and Year 1)

Vehicle – used to transport people or goods

Stable – firm or sturdy object

Wheel – circular object to help a vehicle move

Washer – small flat ring to act as a spacer or seal

Axle – rod that passes through the middle of a wheel

Hacksaw – a small saw

hand hot water – warm water you can rest your hand in.

Rise – dough expands ( as a result of action of yeast)

Measure – exact amount we need

Weigh – measure how much using scales

Scales – tool to help measure

Prove – rise of dough before baking

Yeast – fungus that helps bread rise

Knead – use hands to press and pull dough

Delicious – tastes good

Crunchy – crisp food

Crusty – crisp outer layer

Hygienic – keep clean

Recipe – plan of how to make a type of food.


