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Talking to Teachers and Consultations

Talking to teachers

Teachers are usually available for a chat at the end of the school day.  Your child’s teacher will be happy to make an appointment to talk to you at any time of the year. 


It is our aim to ensure that we maintain a dialogue with parents regarding their child’s progress in school. With this in mind we offer parents the following opportunities to talk to their child’s teacher:


Friday morning 9.05 – 9.25 am

During this time the children are in assembly and the class teacher will usually be available, by appointment, to parents who wish to come and discuss their child’s progress or other issues and concerns.


Please will Reception parents note that the Friday morning consultation times are not available until the Reception children start coming in to whole school assembly; your child’s teacher will be able to tell you when this is.  You may, of course, arrange to meet with your child’s teacher after school.


Autumn Term Parent/Teacher consultations

These sessions are held just before the Autumn half term. They are principally to talk about your child’s progress, work and targets for learning and to discuss how your child has settled into his or her new class.  These sessions last for 10 minutes; if you think you may need longer then please make a separate arrangement with your child’s teacher.


Spring Term Parent/Teacher consultations

These sessions are held during the Spring Term. They are principally to talk about your child’s progress, work and targets for learning. These sessions last for 10 minutes; if you think you may need longer then please make a separate arrangement with your child’s teacher.


If you have any concerns about your child’s progress before these consultation sessions please don’t wait to tell us – come in earlier and let us know what you are worried about and we will do everything we can to help. Likewise, if we have concerns we will contact you and ask you to come and see us.


Summer Term end of year reports

These reports are comprehensive and their contents should come as no surprise to the parent. If we have concerns we will already have raised them with you. The reports cover your child’s achievements in the core subjects of English, Maths and Science and all other areas of the curriculum as well as outlining the steps needed to enable your child to make further progress.  In Reception the reports cover the areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage.  


In Year 1 parents receive details of their child's attainment in the statutory phonics test.  In Year 2 parents also receive details of their child’s attainment in the end of Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessments.  Most parents find they do not need to discuss their child’s report with their child’s teacher but we will arrange for a consultation meeting should it be required.


If you have any queries about Parent/Teacher consultations please see your child’s teacher, the Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo), if your child has special educational needs, or the Headteacher. The SENCo is available to see parents by appointment during the school day.