At The Gattons we ensure that we take a therapeutic approach to behaviour in order to provide a calm and orderly environment where learning can readily take place, where high standards of work and behaviour are expected and where self-discipline is encouraged. It is also to ensure that adults recognise that behaviour is a form of communication and that sometimes it is a sign that children are struggling in a certain situation and that in some cases, certain "traditional" methods of discipline don't work for some children and actually make the situation worse. Staff are trained to teach children to understand their emotions better and to learn more appropriate ways of expressing them. Just as some children learn to read at a different pace, for some, learning about their emotions can take longer than others.
The aims of our Behaviour Policy are:
♦ To create a caring school community based on mutual respect between all adults and pupils, where
children can develop confidence and self esteem.
♦ To enable all pupils to take control and responsibility for their own behaviour.
♦ To enable all pupils to develop their social and academic skills and prepare them for opportunities and responsibilities as adults.
♦ To create a moral framework in which children learn right from wrong.
♦ To create an understanding (amongst staff, pupils and parents) that some children need different approaches when addressing behaviour because of their own needs.
We uphold the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. We have developed our Rights Respecting Rainbow in line with the Convention. Further information is on this website.
We encourage good behaviour through:
♦ Using our Rights Respecting Rainbow
♦ Recognition and verbal praise
♦ Whole class rewards
♦ Postcards home from the teacher or senior members of staff
♦ Whole class 'Leaves' awarded for respecting rights
We discourage inappropriate behaviour through :
♦ Using therapeutic approaches which teach the correct behaviour over time
♦ Using our Rights Respecting Rainbow
♦ Educational consequences where we teach the children the behaviours we want to see. This may be done at playtime
♦ Protective consequences where a child may be removed from an activity to protect other children or themselves from injury or severe disruption
♦ Involvement of external agencies such as the Learning and Behaviour Advisory team.
♦ Involvement of the Headteacher
♦ Involvement of the parents
♦ If required, Exclusion
We always emphasise that in most cases negative behaviour is a form of communication and we look to address what the children are trying to tell us as well as their behaviour.
Parental Support
We believe that a close partnership between school and home is important in order that the aims and values of the school are understood so that parents can actively assist the school in its work.
On admission, all parents are asked to sign the Home-School Agreement which includes statements about behaviour and our Rights Respecting Rainbow.
Parents are kept informed of their child's behaviour at Parent/Teacher consultations. If necessary, parents may be invited into school to discuss any concerns they have with the class teacher and/or Headteacher. In this way, parents and school can work together to seek solutions to any problems which arise.
All schools have an Anti-Bullying policy. Our Anti-Bulling and Behaviour policies can be found on this website in the policies section, under Key information.